21 May 2014

Well, that wasn't so bad...

This morning, for the first time ever in my entire life, I got up earlier than I had to, before work, and I ran 3 miles.

I've often heard that you should just get up early and work out in the morning, "before your body even realizes what it's doing!" I have to say, this notion felt all-too-frighteningly accurate as I was hurtling down the street this morning. And by the end of it, it felt almost as if it'd never even happened. I hopped in to the shower thinking I'd just had some really odd, vivid dream with sunshine and lots of people walking dogs. I admit, I was especially pleased with myself upon seeing all the people out running in the 87-degree heat on my drive home from work.

Needless to say, I may be trying this again very soon.

So, I really lost a lot of momentum last week. By which I mean I don't think I ran at all, anywhere, at any point last week...

In an effort to make up for my lack of mileage, I went all-out on a 5-mile run on Sunday afternoon. It was less than lovely, and it became very apparent that my running style may need some work. I think I was just tired and fell in to some unusual sort of strained/strange gait. The more I read about running, I can't help but think I probably need to actually do some legit 'strength-training' type work.

I hope to do some more reading about running, (which sounds kinda silly now that I see it typed out), as it's been pretty useful so far. If nothing else, it's slowly helping me come up with more of a training plan beyond, ya know, just "keep running a lot before the marathon."

I'm looking to start some 'interval/sprint training' and definitely/unfortunately some hill-running.

Stay-tuned. Things could get interesting! (There's a chance they might not...We'll see!)

The Totals:

  • May: 22.2
  • 2014:  95.8
Biking (non-stationary):
  • May: 15.5
  • 2014: 50.5


  1. Haha you bet your button that things will get interesting! And, jumping back to your last post, I think that you should absolutely include the duathalon totals in your counts. If it's measured, you definitely did it! Congrats on all the running and the successful reading about running (books, amirite?). Cheering for you!
