So, it certainly isn't lost on me; the fact that I've yet to run in almost an entire month the amount of mileage that I'm theoretically planning to eventually run in a matter of hours on a single day...
But, as ever, the important part is that I am still running with any sort of regularity, and that I haven't given up yet! It's only January, right? (Right?!)
That being said, we need to talk about Chicago...
In response to technical errors of the first-come, first-served online registration platform used last year, this year's Chicago Marathon entries will be selected through a lottery system. There are a few ways to acquire a "guaranteed entry," but I either don't qualify or question whether I'm willing to shell out the extra money it would require (on top of the entry fee, travel expenses, etc.) to do so.
I could just enter the lottery and hope for the best, but there's no guarantee that I or my brother would get in, let alone that both of us would get in. So, what's a girl to do? Well, let's just say that the training will continue, and WE WILL MARATHON! Just, maybe not in Chicago. We'll see. Stay tuned!
The past couple weeks have been a little lack-luster on the training front. I managed a few miles here and there on the treadmill again. I still really hate treadmills. It immediately makes my calves super tight and cranky. I always feel like the belt is either too fast, or slow enough that I'm sort of pulling it along with each step. It's also a pain to try to adjust it throughout the run. However, I still think I enjoy it a lot more than I would running in some of these temperatures we've had lately! I'm trying to remember to be grateful that there's a warm, albeit less than ideal solution, for now...
The weather this past Sunday was actually pretty fantastic, the wind notwithstanding. I should have gone running, but I did at least get in a nice 10 mile bike ride. I should probably start keeping track of biking mileage for the sake of the impending duathlon...
Ok, that's all for now!
The Totals
- January: 21.1
- 2014: 21.1
- January: 17
- 2014: 17