28 January 2014

Running against the wind...

So, it certainly isn't lost on me; the fact that I've yet to run in almost an entire month the amount of mileage that I'm theoretically planning to eventually run in a matter of hours on a single day...

But, as ever, the important part is that I am still running with any sort of regularity, and that I haven't given up yet! It's only January, right? (Right?!)

That being said, we need to talk about Chicago...

In response to technical errors of the first-come, first-served online registration platform used last year, this year's Chicago Marathon entries will be selected through a lottery system. There are a few ways to acquire a "guaranteed entry," but I either don't qualify or question whether I'm willing to shell out the extra money it would require (on top of the entry fee, travel expenses, etc.) to do so. 

I could just enter the lottery and hope for the best, but there's no guarantee that I or my brother would get in, let alone that both of us would get in. So, what's a girl to do? Well, let's just say that the training will continue, and WE WILL MARATHON! Just, maybe not in Chicago. We'll see. Stay tuned!

The past couple weeks have been a little lack-luster on the training front. I managed a few miles here and there on the treadmill again. I still really hate treadmills. It immediately makes my calves super tight and cranky. I always feel like the belt is either too fast, or slow enough that I'm sort of pulling it along with each step. It's also a pain to try to adjust it throughout the run. However, I still think I enjoy it a lot more than I would running in some of these temperatures we've had lately! I'm trying to remember to be grateful that there's a warm, albeit less than ideal solution, for now...

The weather this past Sunday was actually pretty fantastic, the wind notwithstanding. I should have gone running, but I did at least get in a nice 10 mile bike ride. I should probably start keeping track of biking mileage for the sake of the impending duathlon...

Ok, that's all for now!

The Totals

  • January:  21.1
  • 2014:  21.1
  • January: 17
  • 2014: 17

20 January 2014

Good Day Sunshine

So, I'd thought this past Saturday was supposed to be a pretty nice day, but I immediately regretted deciding to go for a run just about as soon as I stepped outside. The otherwise decent temperature was all but cancelled-out by the continuous biting gusts of wind. I hated just about every minute of it, but I manged to eek out 3 miles that morning.

The wind didn't let up much on Sunday, but given the perfect temperature and all the glorious sunshine I hardly minded. I'm not entirely positive, but according to Google, I ran a solid 5.8 miles that afternoon in 59 minutes and 1 second.

I finally made it on a treadmill earlier last week, too, but it was a really lamentable showing. I was entirely unprepared, and without even my ipod and headphones, I was not able to distract myself from the nastiness of the little room with the sweaty, recycled air for longer than
2.15 miles. Suffice it to say I'm really looking forward to Spring...

I nearly made myself head back out again today for another run, but I feel as though I might be pushing my luck. I'll be back at it again soon enough. In the meantime, my total is beginning to attain some substance!

Running Total:
January:  15.95
2014:  15.95

13 January 2014

In the black...

With the amazing weather this weekend, I finally went for my first run of 2014! The lingering ice-covered puddles presented some obstacles, especially on the brick sidewalks, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to jump over or around them. It was maybe a little ambitious to start out with a 5-miler, but I made it -- in less than an hour, even -- bringing my 'running total' for last week to 5 whole miles! It's not much, but I'm pretty pleased to have any mileage at all, given it was only the first full week of 2014.  

I managed to get in a nice bike ride on Sunday as well -- just 7 miles, at a pretty leisurely and inconsistent pace at that. I know I'll need to get a whole lot more  under my belt if I'm going to 'do' the 'du'-athlon this spring (yuk, yuk, yuk). Luckily, I've got my weekly spin class to supplement my biking until we're officially out of winter, and I plan to hop on a stationary bike on my own at the gym at least a couple times a week as well. 

So, yeah -- nothing too wild just yet, but we're officially getting started!

"Let the games begin!" -- Papa Burgundy

Running Total:
January:  5.0
2014:  5.0

07 January 2014

Shufflin' through the Polar Vortex!

Given the formidable temperatures of these last few days, I have done nothing even remotely akin to 'training' so far in 2014. But that all changes TODAY!

For the first time in too long, I'm headed back to spinning class tonight. Actually, last semester was the first class session I've missed in a couple years, now. (Note to self:  the class WILL be full if you fail to sign up in time!). I'm signed up through May now, and am very much looking forward to getting back in to it. Having been away from it for a few months, I'm certain it will be quite the kick-start to my training.

Additionally, I'll also be attending my first ever Zumba class this week! My mom, sister, and at least one sister-in-law are all signed up as well. Frankly, it just sounded like it could be pretty fun. I'm sure it will mostly consist of us all stumbling around, giggling, exasperated by our complete lack of coordination. But laughter can be a good work out, too, right? More importantly, though, it will theoretically provide some light cardio work, and it will be inside! And most importantly, I'm going to make a concentrated effort to head over to the 'cardio room' after class to finally do some actual yogging on a treadmill. Eventually I hope to start doing this after spinning class and on a few other days of the week as well. I know I've got a lot of ground to make up, but I don't want to totally burn out after just a month or two, either.

Without a doubt, treadmill running is not my favorite. Not only can I never seem to sync up my pace with the speed of the machine, but trying to pretend like I'm not inside a stuffy room with a bunch of other people takes a lot of mental effort for me. If for no other reason than just safety alone, I do wish I enjoyed running with other people, but honestly, one of the most appealing things about running for me is the chance to enjoy my own company for a bit. I love the excuse to just listen to some music, check out the scenery, and revel in my own head-space for a few miles. I'm cautiously looking forward to the challenge of trying to entertain myself through an entire marathon...

As it stands currently, though, it's really cold outside, and the very last thing I want to do is slip on some ice. So, I'm sticking to my indoor options for now. If you've never tried a spinning class before, I highly recommend it. I always thought it sounded ridiculous, but in my experience, it's pretty fantastic. Not all classes are created equal, though. For certain, a good instructor (with good taste in music) makes all the difference! I absolutely suggest checking out a class or two if you're looking for some indoor fitness this winter.

That all being said, I leave you now with one of my favorite bits from the gang on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: