You can help me reach my fundraising goal here at The Merethon Shuffle Fundraiser!
29 October 2014
The post-marathon post!
It's still kinda hard to believe. Even the morning of, I really didn't think I'd finish, or even make it much further than halfway.
I had rested for most of the entire week before. I felt pretty decent overall that morning. The weather was phenomenal; cool and sunny. We truly could not have asked for a better day. I still felt terribly unprepared, though, in just about every other way possible. Luckily, I was in the company of an excellent little group of supporters - Matt, Darren, (even Andrew! :) - and all fell in to place quite miraculously.
The second half was another story.
I remember passing the 14 mile-marker and feeling acutely aware that every subsequent step was one further than I'd ever run before. I still felt OK, though, so I thought, "Well, let's just see how far I can go!" So I kept running, and after a while we were 16 and 17 miles in! The back half of the course was less than picturesque. The supporters were a little more sparse. But on we ran! At on point I saw a guy with a homemade t-shirt, on the back of which was written "Go Royals!" I sped up to him to compliment his shirt. He said, "If they can do it, I can do this!"
It was not long after this point that a knot started developing in my left calf...
Awesome photo credit to Matt! |
I seemed to have overlooked the fact that Chinatown wouldn't show up till mile 21...
My ignorance of the race course probably worked against me in some ways, but I think it was mostly a blessing in disguise. Not knowing what I'd see next, I was eager to keep going. To be honest, throughout the run I rarely knew where I was/through what neighborhood I was running, but there was no mistaking Chinatown. I just felt completely euphoric when I finally saw it and ran under the banner among the throngs of supporters. The euphoria, however, was quickly followed by some serious dread of the miles still remaining, and the steadily increasing pain in my left calf.

After the much-needed, quick pit-stop with Matt, I tried to run on, but it got pretty desperate. I started alternating between running and walking, but walking didn't seem to offer a whole lot of relief at that point. When I finally wobbled in to mile 24, the spectators there kept reminding us that we were now a mere 2.2 miles away from that elusive finish-line. So, I ran.
And I ran.
And it was easily the longest 2.2-mile run of my life.
But I ran.
And then I ran across the finish line.
And then I felt probably as bad as I've ever felt (ever) in my entire life.
The most accurate feeling to which I can relate it is some vague memory from childhood. Something about being out shopping or at some kind of all-day event as a small child, and your legs are just spent, and all you want to do is sit down and cry.
I'll be damned if I didn't do just about that.
I at least wasn't like, sobbing uncontrollably or anything. Really, I held it together pretty well through the medal line, through the banana and water lines. I walked and I walked, seemingly forever, until I could find an empty patch of pavement on which to finally just sit down. There were tears, I know, but they may as well have been rain-water for as much as it actually registered with me. Seeing all of us strewn about, clutching our foil heat shields, it felt a little as though we'd just survived some major disaster.
I ate my banana, and stretched a little and eventually, very painfully, I stood up and began walking to the "Runner Reunite" area, way over to what appeared to be the exact opposite corner of Grant Park, to hopefully find everyone under the "M"sign. That I didn't punch anyone in the process was impressive. There were so many people, and every step was more or less excruciating.
In any case, I found my people again, and I was so deliriously happy and disgustingly salty.
In addition to being my first marathon, it may also be my last. But I am so very glad that I tried, and finished it. It was a truly awesome experience.

Very much thanks to Darren for sharing the idea with me, and for convincing me that I could do it - or that I should at least try! Also, for telling me just before the start that each step was one more closer to the finish-line. That was surprisingly helpful in the thick of things! And congrats to you on finishing, too!! Also - just a big, sincere thank you in general, for encouraging me these past several years to keep up the running and the triathlon-ing and all the other things that I'd never before imagined I could actually do! (And thanks again for the Chomps!!)
And I said it above, but I'm glad to say it again - a big thank you to Matt for the clutch appearance with the water and the IcyHot, and for being just an all around fantastic race-day supporter. I may be a little biased, but I happen to think you're pretty much the best person in the whole world, ever.
A big shout-out to Ms. Kristina, too - thank you again for sharing your marathon-knowledge with me, and for all the encouragement all along the way. I totally get it now. Best of luck to you on qualifying for Bean-town!!!
Lastly, but far from least - thank you, thank you, thank you - each and every one of YOU, for all the encouragement and support. I felt so very well-loved on race-day. Thank you for putting up with all my whining and my "training." Sincerely, you are the best 'Framily' imaginable.
And thank you SO MUCH for all your generosity in supporting my fundraiser!!
Speaking of...
Again, I cannot thank you enough for supporting the cause!! Unfortunately, we didn't quite meet my total goal of clean water for 1 person per each mile of the marathon. But fret not!
Yes, that's right. We've still got 20-some days left on this fundraiser to make up for those last 7-ish miles!
After the success of the first half of the Chicago Marathon, I thought I'd chance it again, here in town this time, with the Kansas Half-Marathon. I can't imagine it will go quite as swimmingly as that day in Chicago, but ya know, how often is it that you find yourself trained enough to run a half-marathon? Might as well go for it. And if it helps complete my fundraiser goal - so much the better!
Chicago Marathon: finished.
Chicago Marathon: finished.
The Running Total:
- October: 45.7
- 2014: 326.98
01 October 2014
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry...
Well, at this point, I think it's safe to say I've probably trained well enough for a half marathon, but probably nothing much more than that. It's a little disappointing, to say the least, but...maybe I'm just not masochistic enough to truly train for a marathon. Or maybe I'll actually finish the full marathon just fine (hahahahahahaha, probs not).
Either way, it'll be over, and then I can go back to enjoying all the things I used to do before having to devote entire hours of the day to running. Don't get me wrong, I still love running. I have to say, I'm amazed how easy and enjoyable running can actually feel these days (on my good days, anyway). In my training, I've definitely now run distances I'd have never imagined possible for me just a few years, or even months ago. I mean, that fact that I feel prepared to even run a half-marathon at this point is pretty mind-blowing in itself.
I will definitely enjoy having some more time on my hands, though. Not that I've actually spent as much time as I should have on training, but...Frankly, I think I had better things to do. We'll see what I have to say for myself on marathon-day.
The Running Total:
- October: 4.5
- 2014: 285.78
10 September 2014
Diamonds on the soles of her shoes...
Don't get me wrong - I definitely thought training for a marathon would be difficult. But I also thought that, if I put in the hours and ran the miles, eventually, I'd be able to do it.
I had no idea just how much my body would fight back. These past couple weeks, it gave me some VERY CLEAR signs that it was NOT OK with my current training regimen.
So, I gave it the long weekend off and I significantly scaled back my mileage. As in, I should have been running 16 miles yesterday instead of 8.15....
I have to say, though, those 8 miles may have been the best, most comfortable 8 miles anyone has ever run, ever. I think there's a LOT to be said for being well-rested. I also think at this point, I should at least take some consolation in that, hey, I can run 8 miles, now!
I'm having some trouble accepting that I ever thought this was a good idea, but it's really way too late to turn back. Baring some wicked as yet unforeseen injury, I'm going to Chicago, and I'm going to try to run as far as I can. I probably won't run the entire way, and that's going to have to be OK.
And if anyone would like to make a donation to my fundraiser to help make this feel like more of a worthwhile endeavor, that'd be really awesome!
I had no idea just how much my body would fight back. These past couple weeks, it gave me some VERY CLEAR signs that it was NOT OK with my current training regimen.
So, I gave it the long weekend off and I significantly scaled back my mileage. As in, I should have been running 16 miles yesterday instead of 8.15....
I have to say, though, those 8 miles may have been the best, most comfortable 8 miles anyone has ever run, ever. I think there's a LOT to be said for being well-rested. I also think at this point, I should at least take some consolation in that, hey, I can run 8 miles, now!
I'm having some trouble accepting that I ever thought this was a good idea, but it's really way too late to turn back. Baring some wicked as yet unforeseen injury, I'm going to Chicago, and I'm going to try to run as far as I can. I probably won't run the entire way, and that's going to have to be OK.
And if anyone would like to make a donation to my fundraiser to help make this feel like more of a worthwhile endeavor, that'd be really awesome!
The Running Total:
- September: 12.7
- 2014: 239.91
22 August 2014
"Oh, fourteen! Oh, fourteen..."
As the title might suggest, I attempted 14 miles last Sunday, and wow, it sure was brutal. The first half was miraculously comfortable, actually. So, maybe I'll just stay positive, and focus on the fact that running 7 miles is apparently now an activity that I can occasionally refer to as "comfortable." I mean, that's kind of awesome, right?
Not awesome was my attempt at running 4 measly miles on a treadmill last night. I thought running inside might be easier than running out in the extreme heat of yesterday evening, but I'm not sure it was any better. To be honest, it was just down right demoralizing. Between the second half of my 14 mile run and last night, I've been having a lot of moments of "What did I get myself in to," "WHY did I EVER think this was a good idea?!" and a whole big bunch of "WHAT is the POINT?!".
The point originally was to just prove to myself that I could do it; to set a goal and to work towards achieving it. (And maybe to enjoy a trip to Chicago in the process.) It also just sounded like a fun challenge that I could share in with my brother who first came up with the idea.
Unfortunately, lately, those things just aren't feeling like enough.
In fact, not only my training, but just the state of the world lately has got me really, really bummed out right now.
So here's my solution:
The Merethon Fundraiser - Water.Org
I really liked the idea of running the marathon for charity, but signing up for an official charity spot seemed like a surprising amount of pressure!! I'm really pleased to have found a way to still support a great organization while running the marathon. I may even snag one of their official running shirts for marathon day.
So, yeah. Feel free to donate on my page if you feel so inclined! Or to any other worthy cause/organization of your choosing. Whatever helps!
Not awesome was my attempt at running 4 measly miles on a treadmill last night. I thought running inside might be easier than running out in the extreme heat of yesterday evening, but I'm not sure it was any better. To be honest, it was just down right demoralizing. Between the second half of my 14 mile run and last night, I've been having a lot of moments of "What did I get myself in to," "WHY did I EVER think this was a good idea?!" and a whole big bunch of "WHAT is the POINT?!".
The point originally was to just prove to myself that I could do it; to set a goal and to work towards achieving it. (And maybe to enjoy a trip to Chicago in the process.) It also just sounded like a fun challenge that I could share in with my brother who first came up with the idea.
Unfortunately, lately, those things just aren't feeling like enough.
In fact, not only my training, but just the state of the world lately has got me really, really bummed out right now.
So here's my solution:
The Merethon Fundraiser - Water.Org
I really liked the idea of running the marathon for charity, but signing up for an official charity spot seemed like a surprising amount of pressure!! I'm really pleased to have found a way to still support a great organization while running the marathon. I may even snag one of their official running shirts for marathon day.
So, yeah. Feel free to donate on my page if you feel so inclined! Or to any other worthy cause/organization of your choosing. Whatever helps!
The Running Total:
- August: 62.84
- 2014: 220.21
14 August 2014
Let that raga drop...
So, I thought listening to Ravi Shankar while running might be the best idea I've had yet.
And it was, until about halfway through the second raga, when while dreamily staring up in to the giant clouds rolling in, my left foot caught the uneven ledge of a Kentucky St. sidewalk and I was unceremoniously splayed out on to the cement. I was left with a single scratch, but no blood spilled. However, my shoulders were sore for days, most likely from catching myself on the way to the ground. Very luckily, it was no worse than that.
I attempted a 10-mile run last weekend, but having failed to review my planned route before leaving the house, I left out a couple turns here and there and ended up with only a 9.3 mile run. It was still my longest run ever up till that point, and near enough to 10 that I don't feel all that badly about it.
This past Saturday saw my first attempt at a 12 mile run. Luckily, I did not listen to the weather forecast, or I might still be at home waiting for all those thunderstorms... The first half of the run was cool and overcast. The second was just steeeeeeamy, and kinda awful. But I did it!
Next up...14 miles!
And it was, until about halfway through the second raga, when while dreamily staring up in to the giant clouds rolling in, my left foot caught the uneven ledge of a Kentucky St. sidewalk and I was unceremoniously splayed out on to the cement. I was left with a single scratch, but no blood spilled. However, my shoulders were sore for days, most likely from catching myself on the way to the ground. Very luckily, it was no worse than that.
I attempted a 10-mile run last weekend, but having failed to review my planned route before leaving the house, I left out a couple turns here and there and ended up with only a 9.3 mile run. It was still my longest run ever up till that point, and near enough to 10 that I don't feel all that badly about it.
This past Saturday saw my first attempt at a 12 mile run. Luckily, I did not listen to the weather forecast, or I might still be at home waiting for all those thunderstorms... The first half of the run was cool and overcast. The second was just steeeeeeamy, and kinda awful. But I did it!
Next up...14 miles!
The Running Total:
- August: 44.84
- 2014: 202.21
(I've given up keeping track of cycling mileage - mostly because I've done little to none :( )
31 July 2014
Running on...
Man, I am not great at updating this thing. I guess it doesn't really matter, but I think it will be neat to look back on all this, hopefully after completing the marathon...
I think I'm almost starting to figure this hip-thing out. I'm finding some stretches that seem to help. I also think getting some new shoes would help. The ones I bought most recently seem to be way too small. Not sure what I was thinking at the time -- probably that they were cheaper? I don't think they give my feet enough room to properly expand/absorb when they hit the ground. As an experiment, I used my old shoes for my last couple of runs. They are substantially wider underneath the balls of my feet, and I really think this makes a big difference. So, I'm going to spend the money and go back to Asics. Of all the tennis shoes I've worn, I don't think any have seemed as comfortable as Asics. Probably worth the money...
So, that's exciting. I also ran a 5K this past weekend that felt like it was more or less uphill the entire course. I finished with my usual time, though, and was quite pleased to do so, given all the hills. It was very encouraging.
I'm really going to try in the next week or so to get back on schedule with the training. On Monday night, in the gloriously merciful 80-degree weather, I managed 8 miles! Again, very encouraging. Last night, I managed 4 of the 5 I had planned on. This hip thing.... Also, it's hard to rationalize expending that much time on a week night, just to run. It's been good to finally get some miles in, though. Ideally, I'd really like to keep the longer runs to the weekends going forward, and hopefully I can get on track for another, longer run this coming weekend. Shooting for 10...
I've realized on the longer runs that time is such a factor for my mental state; having to remind myself that it's OK to take the time to do the run, or to stop and stretch if needed. With all the miles, I really have to be patient and accept that it's just going to take some time, no matter how fast I run. As much as anything, it really is just a big time commitment.
Also, I've been reeeally bad at remembering to update my little mileage thing at the bottom here. I have been keeping track on my handy spreadsheet, though, so I will try to get that updated for the next post, which will hopefully be sooner than later, sometime this weekend.
Bye for now!
I think I'm almost starting to figure this hip-thing out. I'm finding some stretches that seem to help. I also think getting some new shoes would help. The ones I bought most recently seem to be way too small. Not sure what I was thinking at the time -- probably that they were cheaper? I don't think they give my feet enough room to properly expand/absorb when they hit the ground. As an experiment, I used my old shoes for my last couple of runs. They are substantially wider underneath the balls of my feet, and I really think this makes a big difference. So, I'm going to spend the money and go back to Asics. Of all the tennis shoes I've worn, I don't think any have seemed as comfortable as Asics. Probably worth the money...
So, that's exciting. I also ran a 5K this past weekend that felt like it was more or less uphill the entire course. I finished with my usual time, though, and was quite pleased to do so, given all the hills. It was very encouraging.
I'm really going to try in the next week or so to get back on schedule with the training. On Monday night, in the gloriously merciful 80-degree weather, I managed 8 miles! Again, very encouraging. Last night, I managed 4 of the 5 I had planned on. This hip thing.... Also, it's hard to rationalize expending that much time on a week night, just to run. It's been good to finally get some miles in, though. Ideally, I'd really like to keep the longer runs to the weekends going forward, and hopefully I can get on track for another, longer run this coming weekend. Shooting for 10...
I've realized on the longer runs that time is such a factor for my mental state; having to remind myself that it's OK to take the time to do the run, or to stop and stretch if needed. With all the miles, I really have to be patient and accept that it's just going to take some time, no matter how fast I run. As much as anything, it really is just a big time commitment.
Also, I've been reeeally bad at remembering to update my little mileage thing at the bottom here. I have been keeping track on my handy spreadsheet, though, so I will try to get that updated for the next post, which will hopefully be sooner than later, sometime this weekend.
Bye for now!
25 July 2014
Well, this sucks...
Someday, I'll look back on the awfulness of now, and it will only be some very faint memory. A bad dream. Or at best, maybe some sort of testament to my commitment to completing a marathon, however unnecessary or misguided the endeavor was to begin with...
Training is going great. Obviously.
My right leg feels like it's on the wrong body. Like it doesn't fit anymore. Like it's too long. And it's pissing-off my knee, too. It hurts. It's been hurting. It does not appear to be getting better.
It feels like I'm about to get sick again. Maybe it's just allergies? In any case, I can't hear out of my ears. Again. And I can't help but think that maybe there really is something in our house that is slowly killing us. Maybe I too will get to look forward to the joy of sinus surgery.
It's just incredibly frustrating, comparing how well the year started off, versus how things are going right now. Right now, when I actually really need to be training in earnest...
I may go back to a doctor and ask them about this ear thing. Again. Maybe I'll try to chat with a physical therapist, too.
When I imagined the difficulties of training for a marathon, this was NOT what came to mind...
Training is going great. Obviously.
My right leg feels like it's on the wrong body. Like it doesn't fit anymore. Like it's too long. And it's pissing-off my knee, too. It hurts. It's been hurting. It does not appear to be getting better.
It feels like I'm about to get sick again. Maybe it's just allergies? In any case, I can't hear out of my ears. Again. And I can't help but think that maybe there really is something in our house that is slowly killing us. Maybe I too will get to look forward to the joy of sinus surgery.
It's just incredibly frustrating, comparing how well the year started off, versus how things are going right now. Right now, when I actually really need to be training in earnest...
I may go back to a doctor and ask them about this ear thing. Again. Maybe I'll try to chat with a physical therapist, too.
When I imagined the difficulties of training for a marathon, this was NOT what came to mind...
14 July 2014
Two steps back...
No sooner than I received my awesome, new tracking spreadsheet, I was plagued by a nasty, nasty summer cold that just won't die. After a demoralizing two-weeks, in which I ran a total of 2 miles (and probably ill-advised miles, at that), I returned to the doctor, and was informed that I likely have a sinus infection. Bad news.
(As a side note, though, I have to say, those 2 miles felt so, so good. I can't even explain. Maybe it was just the immense joy of being off the couch for a few minutes. Either way, I regret nothing!!)
The good news is that they prescribed me some nifty pills and I think I may finally be on the road to recovery! And not a minute too soon, either. I'm definitely stressing over the time I've lost, as I'm now nowhere near where I thought I'd be or where I'd like to be, training-wise. The only thing I can think is that at least I had those 100+ miles in before all of this went down...
But I guess that's life! And I suppose part of attempting to do anything difficult that requires lengthy planing and training is accepting that things are often, well, difficult, and don't always go according to plan.
Speaking of, just before falling ill, I attempted one of my more ambitious routes to date. The plan was to run from my house all the way over to my parents' on the west end of town. I had anticipated that the "rolling hills" of 15th Street would make the 5 or so miles "difficult," but wow. Wow. Much respect to those middle-aged ladies out there that morning, running up and down those hills, in to the sun, seemingly unfazed, all along that vast, shade-less awfulness of a street. Hopefully I'll try it again soon with better results.
Here's to feeling better soon!
(As a side note, though, I have to say, those 2 miles felt so, so good. I can't even explain. Maybe it was just the immense joy of being off the couch for a few minutes. Either way, I regret nothing!!)
The good news is that they prescribed me some nifty pills and I think I may finally be on the road to recovery! And not a minute too soon, either. I'm definitely stressing over the time I've lost, as I'm now nowhere near where I thought I'd be or where I'd like to be, training-wise. The only thing I can think is that at least I had those 100+ miles in before all of this went down...
But I guess that's life! And I suppose part of attempting to do anything difficult that requires lengthy planing and training is accepting that things are often, well, difficult, and don't always go according to plan.
Speaking of, just before falling ill, I attempted one of my more ambitious routes to date. The plan was to run from my house all the way over to my parents' on the west end of town. I had anticipated that the "rolling hills" of 15th Street would make the 5 or so miles "difficult," but wow. Wow. Much respect to those middle-aged ladies out there that morning, running up and down those hills, in to the sun, seemingly unfazed, all along that vast, shade-less awfulness of a street. Hopefully I'll try it again soon with better results.
Here's to feeling better soon!
The Totals:
- July: 2.0
- 2014: 126.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- June: 0.0
- 2014: 58.5
19 June 2014
Muchas gracias!
Well. It is hot out there. If tonight's run wasn't enough to convince me to start getting up to run before work, instead of in the heat of the day, then I must be even lazier than I thought...We'll see!
First of all, a very big thank you to brother Darren for helping me get on track with an actual training plan, now that we are officially ONLY 4 MONTHS OUT! It seemed like there was so much more time! In any case, not only did my dear brother make up a training plan, but he put it in a beautiful calendared spreadsheet that changes colors as I complete each week's mileage. It's pretty much AWESOME and I'm extremely grateful. Thank you again!!
Also, much thanks and gratitude are due to Kristina Selters. She met up with me last weekend to impart some wisdom about her own marathon experiences over breakfast. Hopefully she'll forgive my lack of interviewing skills. She had a lot of really great things to say and I've tried my best to get them all down here.
Me: How did you first get interested in running marathons? What inspired you to attempt the first one?
Kristina: My mom; that's the short reason. The first one I did, it was a Christmas present to my mom. It was in Dallas, and I said I'd never do one again. Before that, I'd run a half that October. In 2012, I ran my 2nd one. I had done a lot of halves that spring, so I'd thought I'd try another full. The last one, a friend of mine was trying to qualify for Boston, so I said I'd try with her. Now that that goal's in my head, that's why I'm trying another one. But my mom is my inspiration and the reason I run. But she actually started running because of me so, it's been a funny role reversal.
M: How many marathons have you completed? Do you plan to do more?
K: Three. The next one is in Kansas City in October.
M: What advice would you give to someone contemplating their first marathon?
K: Go for it! It's not something a lot of people do. Your body tells you no, but your mind can say yes. Put in the work. Find someone to do it with you; those miles suck and it's hard to do by yourself. After you finish running, keep walking! When you get done, keep your muscles moving. The miles you put in beforehand will determine how sore you are afterwards. And the people at marathons, the supporters, are so great. What's the saying? "If you're starting to doubt humanity, go to a marathon finish line,"? I love finish lines.
M: What is the best advice someone gave you about running marathons?
K: It's mind over matter. Your body will tell you no, but your mind has to tell you yes. I haven't fully grasped this one yet. Your body will break down at mile 18 and you've gotta just say, "Yes." Some of the signs there are awesome, too. ("You trained longer for this than Kim was married," "Britney made it through 2007 - you can make it through this!")
My first one, I walked. The 2nd one, I said I was done at mile 18. The last one, I ran the whole thing, but drastically slowed at mile 20. So I keep making it further. Maybe just think about the beer and the food you can eat all day afterwards.
M: Any tips or tricks for training? For race day?
K: Don't do anything new. You don't know how your body will react. In training, make sure you do the work, even the speed training, especially if you have a goal time.
Find someone to run with you. I never realized before how much I liked running with people. I always thought I liked running alone. Having someone to go through it with you, you get to talking and you learn a lot about people.
There are 2 theories. One is that if you can do 20, you can do 26. Or the other, do 26 or more beforehand so you know you can do it.
If you've got to do 15 miles for the day, maybe run 6 or 7 in the morning and the rest in the evening. That way, you're running on tired legs. Or cross train; go swimming and then go run...
Sometimes you just have to rest, especially if you're not going for a certain time. You have to listen to you body. You don't want an injury.
M: When you're in the thick of the race and digging deep for some motivation, what keeps you going?
K: I try to think of a couple people...When you feel like you don't have anything else, run for someone else. I run for people who can't. I think of my dad and Jayden, people who are fighting cancer. My pain is so temporary. You're choosing to do this. Some people are not choosing their pain; you can run for them. It doesn't always work. People come to me and say I inspire them, but I'm just a girl who likes to run. It clears my head. I just think of people who are going through real stuff and not just a race that's only going to last a day.
M: Do you have a favorite race moment or memory? Or a favorite part of marathons in general?
K: My favorite moments aren't really about me. I love seeing people doing it for the first time - like, I'd love to see you in Chicago! When I did the Plaza 10K a couple years ago, this lady had just finished and was in tears, because she had never run that far before. It's such an accomplishment for people and I forget that. My last race, I didn't get what I wanted...Seeing other people finishing their first half or whatever distance it is, is by far my favorite part. I forget sometimes to see the big picture and take a step back. Right now I'm so focused on time, it can take the joy out. It'll be that way for the next few months.
M: What's next? Do you think it's important to improve (i.e. run the same distances faster)? Or is it just all about finishing/continuing to run?
K: I'll be doing the KC marathon in October, and the Ironman in Lawrence next summer. I may try a trail half next March, too.
Those people that run a marathon a month, I couldn't do that. It's not great for your body. For me, it's a speed thing. I want to qualify for Boston. After my last one, I said if I did another one, I want to qualify for Boston. For your first one, just cross the finish line. For shorter distances, it's all about the group and the community. Everyone has an opinion on how to do it; it's really up to you. Right now, I just have the one goal. After the first one, you'll probably say 'I hate it, I'll never do it again,' but keep trying. Try different distances. Try running with groups.
Much thanks again, Kristina, for sharing your thoughts, and very best of luck to you on all your upcoming running adventures!
First of all, a very big thank you to brother Darren for helping me get on track with an actual training plan, now that we are officially ONLY 4 MONTHS OUT! It seemed like there was so much more time! In any case, not only did my dear brother make up a training plan, but he put it in a beautiful calendared spreadsheet that changes colors as I complete each week's mileage. It's pretty much AWESOME and I'm extremely grateful. Thank you again!!
Also, much thanks and gratitude are due to Kristina Selters. She met up with me last weekend to impart some wisdom about her own marathon experiences over breakfast. Hopefully she'll forgive my lack of interviewing skills. She had a lot of really great things to say and I've tried my best to get them all down here.
Kristina: My mom; that's the short reason. The first one I did, it was a Christmas present to my mom. It was in Dallas, and I said I'd never do one again. Before that, I'd run a half that October. In 2012, I ran my 2nd one. I had done a lot of halves that spring, so I'd thought I'd try another full. The last one, a friend of mine was trying to qualify for Boston, so I said I'd try with her. Now that that goal's in my head, that's why I'm trying another one. But my mom is my inspiration and the reason I run. But she actually started running because of me so, it's been a funny role reversal.
M: How many marathons have you completed? Do you plan to do more?
K: Three. The next one is in Kansas City in October.
M: What advice would you give to someone contemplating their first marathon?
K: Go for it! It's not something a lot of people do. Your body tells you no, but your mind can say yes. Put in the work. Find someone to do it with you; those miles suck and it's hard to do by yourself. After you finish running, keep walking! When you get done, keep your muscles moving. The miles you put in beforehand will determine how sore you are afterwards. And the people at marathons, the supporters, are so great. What's the saying? "If you're starting to doubt humanity, go to a marathon finish line,"? I love finish lines.
M: What is the best advice someone gave you about running marathons?
K: It's mind over matter. Your body will tell you no, but your mind has to tell you yes. I haven't fully grasped this one yet. Your body will break down at mile 18 and you've gotta just say, "Yes." Some of the signs there are awesome, too. ("You trained longer for this than Kim was married," "Britney made it through 2007 - you can make it through this!")
My first one, I walked. The 2nd one, I said I was done at mile 18. The last one, I ran the whole thing, but drastically slowed at mile 20. So I keep making it further. Maybe just think about the beer and the food you can eat all day afterwards.
M: Any tips or tricks for training? For race day?
K: Don't do anything new. You don't know how your body will react. In training, make sure you do the work, even the speed training, especially if you have a goal time.
Find someone to run with you. I never realized before how much I liked running with people. I always thought I liked running alone. Having someone to go through it with you, you get to talking and you learn a lot about people.
There are 2 theories. One is that if you can do 20, you can do 26. Or the other, do 26 or more beforehand so you know you can do it.
If you've got to do 15 miles for the day, maybe run 6 or 7 in the morning and the rest in the evening. That way, you're running on tired legs. Or cross train; go swimming and then go run...
Sometimes you just have to rest, especially if you're not going for a certain time. You have to listen to you body. You don't want an injury.
M: When you're in the thick of the race and digging deep for some motivation, what keeps you going?
K: I try to think of a couple people...When you feel like you don't have anything else, run for someone else. I run for people who can't. I think of my dad and Jayden, people who are fighting cancer. My pain is so temporary. You're choosing to do this. Some people are not choosing their pain; you can run for them. It doesn't always work. People come to me and say I inspire them, but I'm just a girl who likes to run. It clears my head. I just think of people who are going through real stuff and not just a race that's only going to last a day.
M: Do you have a favorite race moment or memory? Or a favorite part of marathons in general?
K: My favorite moments aren't really about me. I love seeing people doing it for the first time - like, I'd love to see you in Chicago! When I did the Plaza 10K a couple years ago, this lady had just finished and was in tears, because she had never run that far before. It's such an accomplishment for people and I forget that. My last race, I didn't get what I wanted...Seeing other people finishing their first half or whatever distance it is, is by far my favorite part. I forget sometimes to see the big picture and take a step back. Right now I'm so focused on time, it can take the joy out. It'll be that way for the next few months.
M: What's next? Do you think it's important to improve (i.e. run the same distances faster)? Or is it just all about finishing/continuing to run?
K: I'll be doing the KC marathon in October, and the Ironman in Lawrence next summer. I may try a trail half next March, too.
Those people that run a marathon a month, I couldn't do that. It's not great for your body. For me, it's a speed thing. I want to qualify for Boston. After my last one, I said if I did another one, I want to qualify for Boston. For your first one, just cross the finish line. For shorter distances, it's all about the group and the community. Everyone has an opinion on how to do it; it's really up to you. Right now, I just have the one goal. After the first one, you'll probably say 'I hate it, I'll never do it again,' but keep trying. Try different distances. Try running with groups.
Much thanks again, Kristina, for sharing your thoughts, and very best of luck to you on all your upcoming running adventures!
The Totals:
- June: 13.0
- 2014: 114.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- June: 0.0
- 2014: 58.5
06 June 2014
Shaking my head...
In the past week, I've run a total of 3 miles...
I at least did some hiking in there at some point. I guess we went on a little bike ride, too.
I don't know if it's the heat/humidity, or my new yoga class, or being dehydrated, or eating poorly, (or all of these things), but I've just been feeling kind of -- I don't wanna say 'awful,' but yeah -- kind of awful. Every morning, I wake up and my calves are all cramped, and the last thing I want to do is get up and go running.
Basically, I've got to figure something out, because whatever 'this' is is not working...
On a happier note, while I've still got zeros across the board for June thus far, we have at least passed 100 miles for the year!
I at least did some hiking in there at some point. I guess we went on a little bike ride, too.
I don't know if it's the heat/humidity, or my new yoga class, or being dehydrated, or eating poorly, (or all of these things), but I've just been feeling kind of -- I don't wanna say 'awful,' but yeah -- kind of awful. Every morning, I wake up and my calves are all cramped, and the last thing I want to do is get up and go running.
Basically, I've got to figure something out, because whatever 'this' is is not working...
On a happier note, while I've still got zeros across the board for June thus far, we have at least passed 100 miles for the year!
The Totals:
- June: 0.0
- 2014: 101.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- June: 0.0
- 2014: 58.5
29 May 2014
Promises, promises...
I know you may find this hard to believe, but I've yet to get up early again before work to go running. Shocking.
I did, however, go for my first real run in the rain last Saturday morning. After reading Running Like a Girl, by Ms. Heminsley, I realized that for her, living in England and all, she probably had more rainy outings than not, and that a slight drizzle shouldn't really be a valid excuse anymore. Frankly, it really wasn't bad at all. I think I might do well to leave my rain jacket at home next time, though. Even with my venting zippers it was still a bit too steamy.
So, the most awful part of this particular post is where I confess that I haven't been out to run at all since that rainy Saturday. I did do some hiking and camping, so that's something, I guess. I really am going to start focusing here shortly, I promise...
Also, the new Chromeo album is extremely entertaining and I fully intend to put it on my ipod ASAP so as to give myself the option to run whilst enjoying it. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
I did, however, go for my first real run in the rain last Saturday morning. After reading Running Like a Girl, by Ms. Heminsley, I realized that for her, living in England and all, she probably had more rainy outings than not, and that a slight drizzle shouldn't really be a valid excuse anymore. Frankly, it really wasn't bad at all. I think I might do well to leave my rain jacket at home next time, though. Even with my venting zippers it was still a bit too steamy.
So, the most awful part of this particular post is where I confess that I haven't been out to run at all since that rainy Saturday. I did do some hiking and camping, so that's something, I guess. I really am going to start focusing here shortly, I promise...
Also, the new Chromeo album is extremely entertaining and I fully intend to put it on my ipod ASAP so as to give myself the option to run whilst enjoying it. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
The Totals:
- May: 25.2
- 2014: 98.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- May: 15.5
- 2014: 50.5
21 May 2014
Well, that wasn't so bad...
This morning, for the first time ever in my entire life, I got up earlier than I had to, before work, and I ran 3 miles.
I've often heard that you should just get up early and work out in the morning, "before your body even realizes what it's doing!" I have to say, this notion felt all-too-frighteningly accurate as I was hurtling down the street this morning. And by the end of it, it felt almost as if it'd never even happened. I hopped in to the shower thinking I'd just had some really odd, vivid dream with sunshine and lots of people walking dogs. I admit, I was especially pleased with myself upon seeing all the people out running in the 87-degree heat on my drive home from work.
Needless to say, I may be trying this again very soon.
So, I really lost a lot of momentum last week. By which I mean I don't think I ran at all, anywhere, at any point last week...
In an effort to make up for my lack of mileage, I went all-out on a 5-mile run on Sunday afternoon. It was less than lovely, and it became very apparent that my running style may need some work. I think I was just tired and fell in to some unusual sort of strained/strange gait. The more I read about running, I can't help but think I probably need to actually do some legit 'strength-training' type work.
I hope to do some more reading about running, (which sounds kinda silly now that I see it typed out), as it's been pretty useful so far. If nothing else, it's slowly helping me come up with more of a training plan beyond, ya know, just "keep running a lot before the marathon."
I'm looking to start some 'interval/sprint training' and definitely/unfortunately some hill-running.
Stay-tuned. Things could get interesting! (There's a chance they might not...We'll see!)
I've often heard that you should just get up early and work out in the morning, "before your body even realizes what it's doing!" I have to say, this notion felt all-too-frighteningly accurate as I was hurtling down the street this morning. And by the end of it, it felt almost as if it'd never even happened. I hopped in to the shower thinking I'd just had some really odd, vivid dream with sunshine and lots of people walking dogs. I admit, I was especially pleased with myself upon seeing all the people out running in the 87-degree heat on my drive home from work.
Needless to say, I may be trying this again very soon.
So, I really lost a lot of momentum last week. By which I mean I don't think I ran at all, anywhere, at any point last week...
In an effort to make up for my lack of mileage, I went all-out on a 5-mile run on Sunday afternoon. It was less than lovely, and it became very apparent that my running style may need some work. I think I was just tired and fell in to some unusual sort of strained/strange gait. The more I read about running, I can't help but think I probably need to actually do some legit 'strength-training' type work.
I hope to do some more reading about running, (which sounds kinda silly now that I see it typed out), as it's been pretty useful so far. If nothing else, it's slowly helping me come up with more of a training plan beyond, ya know, just "keep running a lot before the marathon."
I'm looking to start some 'interval/sprint training' and definitely/unfortunately some hill-running.
Stay-tuned. Things could get interesting! (There's a chance they might not...We'll see!)
The Totals:
- May: 22.2
- 2014: 95.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- May: 15.5
- 2014: 50.5
13 May 2014
Hey! I finished my 1st duathlon! And you know, I dare say that I even enjoyed it. I kept waiting for the awful part, where I'd have to get in to the lake and swim, and it never happened! The park was lovely and I just could not have asked for nicer weather. A little cool, with a decent breeze and lots of sunshine.
While I certainly didn't break any records, I didn't break myself either. Starting out on the last 3-mile run was a bit brutal at first, and frankly, I was probably not sufficiently hydrated. It got easier though, and I almost didn't even mind the hills. It was so very, very encouraging, as I look ahead to the marathon, that I was able to keep up my motivation and will to finish over the entire 2 hours and 2 minutes it took me to complete the course. (My little 'cheering section' was certainly a huge boost, too -- thanks, guys!)
Overall, it was just an all-around pretty fantastic experience and I'd really love to give it another go next year.
That being said, do I get to include the miles I rode/ran in the duathlon in my 'Totals' count below? I guess I get to decide, seeing as this is my blog. Ha!
And speaking of miles, the weekend before, I attempted my longest run yet! The course I'd tentatively set out for myself looked to be about 9 miles, but by my best guess, I only completed about 8 total. I'll need to remeasure, but I'm calling it 8 for now. So, that was pretty exciting, too!
So, yeah. Tune in next time for more stuff about my adventures in running, etc.!
While I certainly didn't break any records, I didn't break myself either. Starting out on the last 3-mile run was a bit brutal at first, and frankly, I was probably not sufficiently hydrated. It got easier though, and I almost didn't even mind the hills. It was so very, very encouraging, as I look ahead to the marathon, that I was able to keep up my motivation and will to finish over the entire 2 hours and 2 minutes it took me to complete the course. (My little 'cheering section' was certainly a huge boost, too -- thanks, guys!)
![]() |
Me and my crew. |
Overall, it was just an all-around pretty fantastic experience and I'd really love to give it another go next year.
That being said, do I get to include the miles I rode/ran in the duathlon in my 'Totals' count below? I guess I get to decide, seeing as this is my blog. Ha!
And speaking of miles, the weekend before, I attempted my longest run yet! The course I'd tentatively set out for myself looked to be about 9 miles, but by my best guess, I only completed about 8 total. I'll need to remeasure, but I'm calling it 8 for now. So, that was pretty exciting, too!
So, yeah. Tune in next time for more stuff about my adventures in running, etc.!
The Totals:
- May: 14.2
- 2014: 87.8
Biking (non-stationary):
- May: 15.5
- 2014: 50.5
29 April 2014
"Patience, Iago..."
So, I'm probably going to make a point to not sign up for something so early in the year in the future, but the duathlon is now a measly 10 DAYS away!!
I'm pretty confident that I can do it, but I think I will be doing it very, very slowly. Brother Darren reassured me that that's what these early events are for. If nothing else, hopefully it'll help me see where I'm really 'at.' I think I can already safely assume that where I'm currently 'at' is nowhere near where I'd like to be...
In any case, I ran a solid 7 miles last night, making it my longest "recorded" run EVER. It's still a far cry from a marathon, but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Most surprising/encouraging of all is how relatively normal and pain-free I'm feeling today. (In other news, I've also upgraded from Absorbine to IcyHot!)
I also started flipping through Running Like a Girl: Notes on learning to run by Alexandra Heminsley last night. It chronicles the adventures of a British woman who takes up running in her 30s. Upon hearing her brother mention that he's contemplating signing up for a marathon (the London Marathon, in this case), she suddenly decides to do the same... Sound familiar? I can't quite relate to all of her initial qualms about running, but the bits about attempting to find the right gear, (and wearing said gear in public while assuming that everyone is judging you for the novice that you clearly are), and the desire to stubbornly try to figure it all out on your own felt very spot-on. It's a quick read, and has so far been very encouraging.
Next up on this ol' blog, I hope to have some contributed content via an interview with a friend and veteran marathon-runner. In the works, coming soon, etc.! Until then...
I'm pretty confident that I can do it, but I think I will be doing it very, very slowly. Brother Darren reassured me that that's what these early events are for. If nothing else, hopefully it'll help me see where I'm really 'at.' I think I can already safely assume that where I'm currently 'at' is nowhere near where I'd like to be...
In any case, I ran a solid 7 miles last night, making it my longest "recorded" run EVER. It's still a far cry from a marathon, but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Most surprising/encouraging of all is how relatively normal and pain-free I'm feeling today. (In other news, I've also upgraded from Absorbine to IcyHot!)
I also started flipping through Running Like a Girl: Notes on learning to run by Alexandra Heminsley last night. It chronicles the adventures of a British woman who takes up running in her 30s. Upon hearing her brother mention that he's contemplating signing up for a marathon (the London Marathon, in this case), she suddenly decides to do the same... Sound familiar? I can't quite relate to all of her initial qualms about running, but the bits about attempting to find the right gear, (and wearing said gear in public while assuming that everyone is judging you for the novice that you clearly are), and the desire to stubbornly try to figure it all out on your own felt very spot-on. It's a quick read, and has so far been very encouraging.
Next up on this ol' blog, I hope to have some contributed content via an interview with a friend and veteran marathon-runner. In the works, coming soon, etc.! Until then...
The Totals:
- April: 19.0
- 2014: 73.6
Biking (non-stationary):
- April: 18
- 2014: 35
16 April 2014
I was so excited Monday evening after receiving my confirmation email that I ran 6 miles.
It may have actually been the best run of my whole little life, so far...
The Totals:
- April: 9.0
- 2014: 63.6
Biking (non-stationary):
- April: 0
- 2014: 17
14 April 2014
10 April 2014
The Lottery...
Welp, a grand total of 7.5 miles makes March my weakest month yet. I at least got in 3 miles so far in this first full week of April. Not great, but better than '0,' which was my mileage total up until last night..
The really crucial thing this week, though, is that I officially registered for the Chicago Marathon lottery!! The selected registrants will be notified this Monday.
JUST FOUR MORE DAYS! Ahhhhh, the suspense...
The really crucial thing this week, though, is that I officially registered for the Chicago Marathon lottery!! The selected registrants will be notified this Monday.
JUST FOUR MORE DAYS! Ahhhhh, the suspense...
The Totals
- April: 3.0
- 2014: 57.6
Biking (non-stationary):
- April: 0
- 2014: 17
24 March 2014
Here it goes again!
And suddenly it's already March. I started the month off decently with a couple 3-mile runs, but that's about it. The dreaded springtime cold took hold and hung on till maybe just...yesterday? Today? The important part is that I'm feeling better, and will be getting back to business very, very soon. And not a moment too soon, really, considering that the duathlon looms less than 2 months away! (!!!)
In other news, we may still have a shot at the Chicago Marathon!! Turns out, if you are selected through the lottery, you're given a few days to decide whether to decline or accept the spot and pay the registration fee. So, if only one of us is selected, we'd still have a chance to opt out if we so choose (before having to pay the registration fee). Much better scenario. Registration is now open, so I guess we'll cross our fingers for a couple lottery spots!
Welp, that's all I got for now...
In other news, we may still have a shot at the Chicago Marathon!! Turns out, if you are selected through the lottery, you're given a few days to decide whether to decline or accept the spot and pay the registration fee. So, if only one of us is selected, we'd still have a chance to opt out if we so choose (before having to pay the registration fee). Much better scenario. Registration is now open, so I guess we'll cross our fingers for a couple lottery spots!
Welp, that's all I got for now...
The Totals
- March: 6.0
- 2014: 50.1
Biking (non-stationary):
- March: 0
- 2014: 17
28 February 2014
Happy Friday!
Inspired by my disappointing mileage in yesterday's post, I ran 6 miles on the treadmill last night.
So, there.
So, there.
The Totals
- February: 13.0
- 2014: 37.1
Biking (non-stationary):
- February: 0
- 2014: 17
27 February 2014
Hey, Jude...
So, I'm not Catholic, but the past few days have made me wonder if there is in fact a 'patron saint' of lost causes... And there is, just FYI.
February has not been kind to my running totals. The weather was briefly nice, but for a number of reasons/lame excuses, I did not manage to take advantage of any outdoor running time. And it's supposed to snow again this weekend.
So, yeah. February...
I did hit up the gym last night, though. I put in a pretty decent 4 miles on the treadmill, but of course, there was a guy on the machine right next to me running twice as fast for probably twice as long (he was still running when I left). It was good motivation to keep on keepin' on, though. Goals are good, right? In the meantime, it even inspired me to 'sprint' a quarter-mile in the middle of my run last night, just for funsies.
I also recently caught up with an old friend the other night, and she suggested we run a half-marathon together later this year. Hopefully that comes to fruition as well.
In any case, here's praying we get back on track in March!
The Totals
- February: 7.0
- 2014: 31.1
Biking (non-stationary):
- February: 0
- 2014: 17
12 February 2014
I'm so excited!...
Here we are, already halfway through February and my totals a looking pretty pitiful. In my defense, things were a little hectic towards the end of January in to February. Not to mention the foot of snow...
I've got a good feeling about the rest of the month, though. We're looking at highs in the 50s and 60s in the next 10 days, meaning I could do some real, legitimate out-of-doors running in the very near future!
I'm sure we're not yet out of this Winter-funk just yet, though. Luckily, I just learned yesterday about this fabulous-sounding new fitness studio in town: RydeBarre. I'm most definitely going to check it out.
And registration is now open for the May duathlon -- only 86 days away! GET EXCITED!!!
Alright, that's all for now.
Stay warm!
I've got a good feeling about the rest of the month, though. We're looking at highs in the 50s and 60s in the next 10 days, meaning I could do some real, legitimate out-of-doors running in the very near future!
I'm sure we're not yet out of this Winter-funk just yet, though. Luckily, I just learned yesterday about this fabulous-sounding new fitness studio in town: RydeBarre. I'm most definitely going to check it out.
And registration is now open for the May duathlon -- only 86 days away! GET EXCITED!!!
Alright, that's all for now.
Stay warm!
The Totals
- February: 3.0
- 2014: 27.1
Biking (non-stationary):
- February: 0
- 2014: 17
28 January 2014
Running against the wind...
So, it certainly isn't lost on me; the fact that I've yet to run in almost an entire month the amount of mileage that I'm theoretically planning to eventually run in a matter of hours on a single day...
But, as ever, the important part is that I am still running with any sort of regularity, and that I haven't given up yet! It's only January, right? (Right?!)
That being said, we need to talk about Chicago...
In response to technical errors of the first-come, first-served online registration platform used last year, this year's Chicago Marathon entries will be selected through a lottery system. There are a few ways to acquire a "guaranteed entry," but I either don't qualify or question whether I'm willing to shell out the extra money it would require (on top of the entry fee, travel expenses, etc.) to do so.
I could just enter the lottery and hope for the best, but there's no guarantee that I or my brother would get in, let alone that both of us would get in. So, what's a girl to do? Well, let's just say that the training will continue, and WE WILL MARATHON! Just, maybe not in Chicago. We'll see. Stay tuned!
The past couple weeks have been a little lack-luster on the training front. I managed a few miles here and there on the treadmill again. I still really hate treadmills. It immediately makes my calves super tight and cranky. I always feel like the belt is either too fast, or slow enough that I'm sort of pulling it along with each step. It's also a pain to try to adjust it throughout the run. However, I still think I enjoy it a lot more than I would running in some of these temperatures we've had lately! I'm trying to remember to be grateful that there's a warm, albeit less than ideal solution, for now...
The weather this past Sunday was actually pretty fantastic, the wind notwithstanding. I should have gone running, but I did at least get in a nice 10 mile bike ride. I should probably start keeping track of biking mileage for the sake of the impending duathlon...
Ok, that's all for now!
The Totals
- January: 21.1
- 2014: 21.1
- January: 17
- 2014: 17
20 January 2014
Good Day Sunshine
So, I'd thought this past Saturday was supposed to be a pretty nice day, but I immediately regretted deciding to go for a run just about as soon as I stepped outside. The otherwise decent temperature was all but cancelled-out by the continuous biting gusts of wind. I hated just about every minute of it, but I manged to eek out 3 miles that morning.
The wind didn't let up much on Sunday, but given the perfect temperature and all the glorious sunshine I hardly minded. I'm not entirely positive, but according to Google, I ran a solid 5.8 miles that afternoon in 59 minutes and 1 second.
I finally made it on a treadmill earlier last week, too, but it was a really lamentable showing. I was entirely unprepared, and without even my ipod and headphones, I was not able to distract myself from the nastiness of the little room with the sweaty, recycled air for longer than
2.15 miles. Suffice it to say I'm really looking forward to Spring...
I nearly made myself head back out again today for another run, but I feel as though I might be pushing my luck. I'll be back at it again soon enough. In the meantime, my total is beginning to attain some substance!
The wind didn't let up much on Sunday, but given the perfect temperature and all the glorious sunshine I hardly minded. I'm not entirely positive, but according to Google, I ran a solid 5.8 miles that afternoon in 59 minutes and 1 second.
I finally made it on a treadmill earlier last week, too, but it was a really lamentable showing. I was entirely unprepared, and without even my ipod and headphones, I was not able to distract myself from the nastiness of the little room with the sweaty, recycled air for longer than
2.15 miles. Suffice it to say I'm really looking forward to Spring...
I nearly made myself head back out again today for another run, but I feel as though I might be pushing my luck. I'll be back at it again soon enough. In the meantime, my total is beginning to attain some substance!
Running Total:
January: 15.95
2014: 15.95
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